Tutorial: Controlling SpiNNaker machines

SpiNNaker machines consist of a network of SpiNNaker chips and, in larger systems, a set of Board Management Processors (BMPs) which control and monitor systems’ power and temperature. SpiNNaker (and BMPs) are controlled using SCP packets (a protocol built on top of SDP) sent over the network to a machine. Rig includes a set of high-level wrappers around the low-level SCP commands which are tailored towards SpiNNaker application developers.


Rig does not aim to provide a complete Python implementation of the full (low-level) SCP command set. Users who encounter missing functionality as a result of this are encouraged to submit a patch or open an issue as the developers are open to (reasonable) suggestions!

In addition to these high-level interfaces, Rig includes a lower-level interface for sending and receiving application-defined SDP and SCP packets to running applications via a socket.

The two high-level machine control interfaces are:

Interact with and control SpiNNaker chips, e.g. boot, load applications, read/write memory.
Interact with and control BMPs, e.g. control power-supplies, monitor system temperature, read/write FPGA registers. Only applicable to machines based on SpiNN-5 boards.

The low-level SDP and SCP interfaces are:

Pack and unpack SDP packets.
Pack and unpack SCP packets.

A tutorial for each of these interfaces is presented below.


To get started, let’s instantiate a MachineController. This is as simple as giving the hostname or IP address of the machine:

>>> from rig.machine_control import MachineController
>>> mc = MachineController("spinnaker_hostname")


If you’re using a multi-board machine, give the hostname of the (0, 0) chip. Support for connecting to multiple Ethernet ports of a SpiNNaker machine is not currently available but should be automatic.


You can boot() the system like so:

>>> mc.boot()

If the machine could not be booted for any reason a rig.machine_control.machine_controller.SpiNNakerBootError will be raised. If no exception is raised, the machine is booted and ready to use. The return value of boot() indicates whether the machine was actually booted (True), or if it was already booted and thus nothing was done (False), most applications may consider the boot to be a success either way.

If you’re using a SpiNN-2 or SpiNN-3 board booted without arguments, only LED 0 will be usable. To enable the other LEDs, instead boot the machine using one of the pre-defined boot option dictionaries in rig.machine_control.boot, for example:

>>> from rig.machine_control.boot import spin3_boot_options
>>> mc.boot(**spin3_boot_options)

Probing for Available Resources

The get_system_info() method returns a SystemInfo object describing which chips, links and cores are alive and also the SDRAM available:

>>> system_info = mc.get_system_info()

This object can also be used to guide Rig’s place and route utilities (see rig.place_and_route.place_and_route_wrapper, rig.place_and_route.utils.build_machine and rig.place_and_route.utils.build_core_constraints).

Loading Applications

The load_application() method will, unsurprisingly, load an application onto an arbitrary set of SpiNNaker cores. For example, the following code loads the specified APLX file to cores 1, 2 and 3 of chip (0, 0) and cores 10 and 11 of chip (0, 1):

>>> targets = {(0, 0): set([1, 2, 3]),
...            (0, 1): set([10, 11])}
>>> mc.load_application("/path/to/app.aplx", targets)

Alternatively, this method accepts dictionaries mapping applications to targets, such as those produced by rig.place_and_route.place_and_route_wrapper.

load_application() verifies that all applications have been successfully loaded (re-attempting a small number of times if necessary). If not all applications could be loaded, a SpiNNakerLoadingError exception is raised.

Many applications require the sync0 signal to be sent to start the application’s event handler after loading. We can wait for all cores to reach the sync0 barrier using wait_for_cores_to_reach_state and then send the sync0 signal using send_signal:

>>> # In the example above we loaded 5 cores so we expect 5 cores to reach
>>> # sync0.
>>> mc.wait_for_cores_to_reach_state("sync0", 5)
>>> mc.send_signal("sync0")

Similarly, after application execution, the application can be killed with:

>>> mc.send_signal("stop")

Since the stop signal also cleans up allocated resources in a SpiNNaker machine (e.g. stray processes, routing entries and allocated SDRAM), it is desirable for this signal to reliably get sent even if something crashes in the host application. To facilitate this, you can use the application() context manager:

>>> with mc.application():
...     # Main application code goes here, e.g. loading applications,
...     # routing tables and SDRAM.
>>> # When the above block exits (even if due to an exception), the stop
>>> # signal will be sent to the application.


Many application-oriented methods accept an app_id argument which is given a sensible default value. If the MachineController.application() context manager is given an app ID as its argument, this app ID will become the default app_id within the with block. See the section on context managers below for more details.

Loading Routing Tables

Routing table entries can be loaded using load_routing_tables() like so:

>>> routing_tables = {
...     (0, 0): [RoutingTableEntry(...), ...],
...     (0, 1): [RoutingTableEntry(...), ...],
...     ...
... }
>>> mc.load_routing_tables(routing_tables)

This command allocates and then loads the requested routing table entries onto each of the supplied chips. The supplied data structure matches that produced by rig.place_and_route.place_and_route_wrapper().

Allocating/Writing/Reading SDRAM

Many SpiNNaker applications require the writing and reading of large blocks of SDRAM data. The recommended way of doing this is to allocate blocks of SDRAM using sdram_alloc() with an identifying ‘tag’. The The SpiNNaker application can later use this tag number to look up the address of the allocated block of SDRAM. Not only does this avoid the need to explicitly communicate SDRAM locations to the application it also allows SARK to safely allocate memory in the SDRAM.

read() and write() methods are provided which can read and write arbitrarily large blocks of data to and from memory in SpiNNaker:

>>> # Allocate 1024 bytes of SDRAM with tag '3' on chip (0, 0)
>>> block_addr = mc.sdram_alloc(1024, 3, 0, 0)
>>> mc.write(block_addr, b"Hello, world!")
>>> mc.read(block_addr, 13)
b"Hello, world!"

Rig also provides a file-like I/O wrapper (MemoryIO) which may prove easier to integrate into applications and also ensures reads and writes are constrained to the allocated region.

>>> # Allocate 1024 bytes of SDRAM with tag '3' on chip (0, 0)
>>> block = mc.sdram_alloc_as_filelike(1024, 3, 0, 0)
>>> block.write(b"Hello, world!")
>>> block.seek(0)
>>> block.read(13)
b"Hello, world!"

File-like views of memory can also be sliced to allow a single allocation to be safely divided between different parts of the application:

>>> hello = block[0:5]
>>> hello.read()

The sdram_alloc_for_vertices() utility function is provided to allocate multiple SDRAM blocks simultaneously. This will be especially useful if you’re using Rig’s place and route tools, since the utility accepts the place-and-route tools’ output format. For example:

>>> placements, allocations, application_map, routing_tables = \
...     rig.place_and_route.wrapper(...)
>>> from rig.machine_control.utils import sdram_alloc_for_vertices
>>> vertex_memory = sdram_alloc_for_vertices(mc, placements, allocations)

>>> # The returned dictionary maps from vertex to file-like wrappers
>>> vertex_memory[vertex].write(b"Hello, world!")

Context Managers

Many methods of MachineController require arguments such as x, y, p or app_id which can quickly lead to repetitive and messy code. To reduce the repetition Python’s with statement can be used:

>>> # Within the block, all commands will affect chip (1, 2)
>>> with mc(x = 1, y = 2):
...     block_addr = mc.sdram_alloc(1024, 3)
...     mc.write(block_addr, b"Hello, world!")


A limited set of utilities are provided for interacting with SpiNNaker BMPs which are contained in the BMPController class. In systems with either a single SpiNN-5 board or a single frame of SpiNN-5 boards which are connected via a backplane, the class can be constructed like so:

>>> from rig.machine_control import BMPController
>>> bc = BMPController("bmp_hostname")

For larger systems which contain many frames of SpiNNaker boards, at least one IP address or hostname must be specified for each:

>>> bc = BMPController({
...     # At least one hostname per rack is required
...     (0, 0): "cabinet0_frame0_hostname",
...     (0, 1): "cabinet0_frame1_hostname",
...     ...
...     (1, 0): "cabinet1_frame0_hostname",
...     (1, 1): "cabinet1_frame1_hostname",
...     ...
...     # Individual boards can be given their own unique hostname if
...     # required which overrides those above
...     (1, 1, 0): "cabinet1_frame1_board0_hostname",
... })

Boards are referred to by their (cabinet, frame, board) coordinates:

          2             1                0
Cabinet --+-------------+----------------+
          |             |                |
+-------------+  +-------------+  +-------------+    Frame
|             |  |             |  |             |      |
| +---------+ |  | +---------+ |  | +---------+ |      |
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : |--------+ 0
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |      |
| +---------+ |  | +---------+ |  | +---------+ |      |
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : |--------+ 1
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |      |
| +---------+ |  | +---------+ |  | +---------+ |      |
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : |--------+ 2
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |      |
| +---------+ |  | +---------+ |  | +---------+ |      |
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : |--------+ 3
| | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |  | | : : : : | |
| +---------+ |  | +|-|-|-|-|+ |  | +---------+ |
|             |  |  | | | | |  |  |             |
+-------------+  +--|-|-|-|-|--+  +-------------+
                    | | | | |
         Board -----+-+-+-+-+
                    4 3 2 1 0

Power Control

Boards can be powered on using set_power():

>>> # Power off board (0, 0, 0)
>>> bc.set_power(False)

>>> # Power on board (1, 2, 3)
>>> bc.set_power(True, 1, 2, 3)

>>> # Power on all 24 boards in frame (1, 2)
>>> bc.set_power(True, 1, 2, range(24))


Though multiple boards in a single frame can be powered on simultaneously, boards in different frames must be powered on separately.


By default the set_power() method adds a delay after the power on command has completed to allow time for the SpiNNaker cores to complete their self tests. If powering on many frames of boards, the post_power_on_delay argument can be used to reduce or eliminate this delay.

Reading Board Temperatures

Various information about a board’s temperature and power supplies can be read using read_adc() (ADC = Analogue-to-Digital Converter) which returns a bmp_controller.ADCInfo named tuple containing many useful values:

>>> adc_info = bc.read_adc()  # Get info for board (0, 0, 0)
>>> adc_info.temp_top  # Celsius
>>> adc_info.fan_0  # RPM (or None if not attached)

Context Managers

As with MachineController, BMPController supports the with syntax for specifying common arguments to a series of commands:

>>> with bc(cabinet=1, frame=2, board=3):
...     if bc.read_adc().temp_top > 75.0:
...         bc.set_led(7, True)  # Turn on LED 7 on the board

Sending/receiving SDP and SCP packets to/from applications

A number of low-level facilities are provided for users who wish to send and receive SCP and SDP packets directly. The most common use for these APIs is to send and receive SDP packets to and from a running SpiNNaker application to allow realtime monitoring and communication with the underlying application via an IP Tag. A minimal example of each is presented below.

Example: Sending SDP packets to a running application

In your SpiNNaker application you should register a callback handler for the arrival of SDP packets. For example, using the spin1_api:

spin1_callback_on(SDP_PACKET_RX, on_sdp_from_host, 0);

To send SDP packets to this application, you must open a UDP socket with which to send SDP packets to your SpiNNaker system. Note that (slightly confusingly) SpiNNaker listens for incoming SDP packets on the SCP port.

>>> import socket
>>> from rig.machine_control.consts import SCP_PORT
>>> out_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> out_sock.connect((hostname, SCP_PORT))

With the port opened, you can use the rig.machine_control.packets.SDPPacket and rig.machine_control.packets.SCPPacket classes to pack your data into properly formatted SDP or SCP packets. Since sark and spin1_api (unfortunately) make packing/unpacking SDP packets rather clumsy it is common to use SCP packets.


SCP packets are just SDP packets with some additional fields placed in the SDP data payload. When a port number other than 0 is used SCP packets are passed to the application like any other SDP packet

As an example, to send an SCP packet core 1 on chip (0, 0) with a cmd_rc of 123:

>>> from rig.machine_control.packets import SCPPacket
>>> data = b"Hello world!\0"
>>> packet = SCPPacket(
...     dest_port=1,
...     dest_x=0, dest_y=0, dest_cpu=1,
...     cmd_rc=123
...     data=data
... )
>>> out_sock.send(packet.bytestring)

On the receiving core the on_sdp_from_host callback might then look like this:

void on_sdp_from_host(uint mailbox, uint port)
  sdp_msg_t *msg = (sdp_msg_t *)mailbox;
  if (msg->cmd_rc == 123)
              "Got SCP packet from host with data: %s\n",


SpiNNaker can only receive packets up to a certain size. This size can be determined using MachineController’s scp_data_length() property This property defines the maximum length of the data-field in an SCP packet sent to the machine.

Example: Receiving SDP packets from a running application

To receive SDP packets from an application there must first be an open socket ready to receive the packets. For example:

>>> import socket
>>> PORT = 50007
>>> in_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> in_sock.bind(("", PORT))

Next, you must set up an ‘IP tag’ on every Ethernet-connected SpiNNaker chip through which SDP packets may be sent back to the host which informs SpiNNaker of the IP address these packets should be sent to.

A list of the Ethernet-connected chips in a typical SpiNNaker machine can be produced using rig.machine_control.MachineController.get_system_info and an IP tag configured on each using rig.machine_control.MachineController.iptag_set like so:

>>> from rig.machine_control import MachineController

>>> # Get the IP and port of the socket we opened
>>> addr, port = in_sock.getsockname()

>>> # Set-up IP Tag 1 on each ethernet-connected chip to forward all SDP
>>> # packets to this socket.
>>> mc = MachineController("spinnaker-machine-hostname")
>>> si = mc.get_system_info()
>>> for (x, y), chip_ip in si.ethernet_connected_chips():
...     mc.iptag_set(1, addr, port, x, y)

You can now listen for incoming packets and unpack them using rig.machine_control.packets.SDPPacket.from_bytestring() and rig.machine_control.packets.SCPPacket.from_bytestring(). For example, to unpack SCP packets received from the machine:

>>> from rig.machine_control.packets import SCPPacket
>>> while True:
...     data = self.in_sock.recv(512)
...     if not data:
...         break
...     packet = SCPPacket.from_bytestring(data)
...     print("Got SCP packet from core {packet.src_cpu} "
...           "of chip ({packet.src_x}, {packet.src_y}) "
...           "with cmd_rc {packet.cmd_rc} and data "
...           "{packet.data}.".format(packet=packet))


We use a 512 byte UDP receive buffer since at present the largest SDP packet supported by the machine at the time of writing is 256 bytes + 24 bytes SCP header. Using power-of-two sized receive buffers is recommended on most operating systems for performance reasons. The MachineController’s scp_data_length() property can be used to get the actual value.

SCP packets might be sent from a SpiNNaker application using code such as:

sdp_msg_t msg;

void send_scp_packet(const char *data)
  // Send to the nearest Ethernet-connected chip.
  msg.tag = 1;
  msg.dest_port = PORT_ETH;
  msg.dest_addr = sv->eth_addr;

  // Indicate the packet's origin as this chip/core. Note that the core is
  // indicated in the bottom 5 bits of the srce_port field.
  msg.flags = 0x07;
  msg.srce_port = spin1_get_core_id();
  msg.srce_addr = spin1_get_chip_id();

  // Copy the supplied data into the data field of the packet and update
  // the length accordingly.
  int len = strlen(data) + 1;  // Include the null-terminating byte
  spin1_memcpy(msg.data, (void *)data, len);
  msg.length = sizeof (sdp_hdr_t) + sizeof (cmd_hdr_t) + len;

  // and send it with a 100ms timeout
  spin1_send_sdp_msg(&msg, 100);