Place and route

>>> import random
>>> from rig.place_and_route import place_and_route_wrapper, Cores, SDRAM
>>> from rig.netlist import Net
>>> from rig.machine_control import MachineController

>>> # Define a graph with 50 vertices and random 100 multicast nets.
>>> vertices = [object() for _ in range(50)]
>>> vertices_resources = {
...     vertex: {Cores: 1, SDRAM: 10 * 1024 * 1024}
...     for vertex in vertices
... }
>>> nets = [Net(random.choice(vertices), random.sample(vertices, 4))
...         for _ in range(100)]
>>> vertices_applications = {vertex: "my_app.aplx" for vertex in vertices}
>>> net_keys = {net: (number, 0xFFFFFFFF) for number, net in enumerate(nets)}

>>> # Interrogate the SpiNNaker machine to determine its topology etc.
>>> system_info = MachineController("hostname-or-ip").get_system_info()

>>> # Place, route and generate routing tables.
>>> placements, allocations, application_map, routing_tables = \
...     place_and_route_wrapper(vertices_resources, vertices_applications,
...                             nets, net_keys, system_info)



Place and route for external devices

>>> # Assuming a graph defined as in the place-and-route example, lets add
>>> # a new vertex representing a device (e.g. as a silicon retina) directly
>>> # attached to the 'West' link of chip (0, 0), e.g. via a 2-of-7 or
>>> # S-ATA link.

>>> from rig.place_and_route import place_and_route_wrapper
>>> from rig.place_and_route.constraints import \
...     LocationConstraint, RouteEndpointConstraint
>>> from rig.routing_table import Routes
>>> from rig.netlist import Net

>>> # Make a vertex to represent the device which consumes no Cores or
>>> # SDRAM.
>>> device_vertex = object()
>>> vertices_resources[device_vertex] = {}

>>> # Use a pair of constraints to indicate that the vertex is attached
>>> # to the West link of (0, 0).
>>> constraints = [
...     LocationConstraint(device_vertex, (0, 0)),
...     RouteEndpointConstraint(device_vertex, Routes.west),
... ]

>>> # Any Net sourced or sunk by our device_vertex will be routed down the
>>> # appropriate link.

>>> # The constraint list must be passed in during place and route.
>>> placements, allocations, application_map, routing_tables = \
...     place_and_route_wrapper(vertices_resources, vertices_applications,
...                             nets, net_keys, system_info, constraints)
